President's Message

Thank you for supporting the activities of our Potomac and Chesapeake Regional Council Chapters! We encourage you to attend our upcoming board meetings, held at 6 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. The next meetings are scheduled for December 19 and January 16. As we close 2024 and begin 2025, our chapters and the council are planning a variety of CPE and non-CPE events.


Our DelMarVa Chapter is organizing in-person events that include both social and CPE opportunities. The Richmond Chapter is actively working to expand its membership and connections. The Skyline Chapter has had a busy fall, hosting lunch meetings at the Sunnyside Communities Corporate Office Board Room. These events provide lunch, networking opportunities, and one hour of CPE at each session. Everyone, whether an IMA member or not, is welcome to join!


Additionally, the Skyline Chapter is hosting a half-day seminar on Thursday, December 19, at the Spotswood Country Club. This seminar will feature sessions on taxes and Excel. Looking ahead, the chapter will also host an 8-hour session on April 17, 2025, which includes the Virginia-required Ethics course. Proceeds from these CPE events support accounting students at local colleges and universities. Keep an eye on the Skyline Chapter website for links to activities and the RSVP system.


The IMA Nation’s Capital Chapter recently welcomed nearly 30 students, faculty members, and IMA members to a networking and career event focusing on the CMA and CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) credentials. This event, held on October 30 at Mulligans at the University of Maryland College Park Golf Course Club House, was a great success. Guests enjoyed a delicious buffet while forming lasting connections and exploring future opportunities. The Institute of Internal Auditors DC Chapter (IIA DC) looks forward to hosting additional joint events in 2025.


On November 21, the Nation’s Capital Chapter cosponsored a four-hour CPE webinar with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners DC Chapter (ACFE DC). The event, held via Zoom, attracted 93 participants and featured four speakers, offering four NASBA CPE hours. We’re excited to announce another collaboration with the ACFE DC Chapter for an in-person event on Thursday, January 30, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. This event will also offer four NASBA CPE hours and will be held at a metro-accessible location.


In addition, on November 14, 2024, the Nation's Capital Chapter hosted the webinar, Economics of Health and Healthcare. Over 160 professionals participated in the one-hour CPE event.


Lastly, we invite you to attend our noon, December 12, 2024, webinar, Digital Transformation in Finance. This webinar will provide one hour of free CPE. Stay tuned for more details on the P&C Council website.


Join our next Council Board Meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, December 19. The Zoom link and meeting details are available below. The same link will be used for the January 16 meeting.


Zoom Meeting Information

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 920 4497 7922

Passcode: 23232424

All are welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings!

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you at our events.

Warm regards,


Kathleen Sobieralski
Potomac and Chesapeake (P&C) Regional Council of the IMA